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 Rugged Research Rangers

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Rugged Research Rangers


'Rugged Research Rangers' are Park Ranger designed and parent-led nature expeditions for kids!


At Rugged Research, we believe in the power of nature-based education to spark curiosity and wonder in children towards the natural world.


Our program uses your local park's diverse ecosystems as a giant, learning laboratory to help your children fall in love with nature and learn about the wild world around them!

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What do Rugged Research Rangers do?

Our program helps children explore , discover and learn about the diverse ecosystems right in their own backyard.


We provide hands-on activities and lessons twice a month that encourage students to observe, question, and discover the natural world around them.


All RRR programming is led by parents and can take place at your favorite wild places or ones you have not yet discovered!

Create a Pod

Want to make new friends or explore with old ones? Create a RRR Pod!


Pods create a  collaborative learning environment where students can interact with each other and learn from each other in fun and creative ways. 


When multiple families are in a pod, parents can rotate between who leads lessons. 


This is a great way to start your own nature exploration community!

Go Solo

Want to explore on your own schedule? Don't have a pod near you? You can join solo!


This is a great option if you don't have a Rugged Research branch near you.


It's also a fantastic option if you want to have more one on one time with your child in nature with some guided assistance.


Our staff can even help plan what local parks your family should start exlporing in your neighborhood!

Receive 20% off
all Rugged Research in-person guided programs when you become a member!

-Summer Camps
-Little Rangers

Guided Programs Currently offered in:




New Jersey




30% of your monthly subscription goes directly towards outdoor education scholarships for underserved children. 

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